Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Since I have lived here, I have come to realize that the sister-in-laws, myself included, evidently could not be any more opposite. But it is just that opposition that brings strength collectively. I am learning so much from them and each of their strengths.
In this picture, the photographer ask us to give a sexy pose-that was it! I busted up laughing and obviously was a bad influence on everyone else there-except my mother-in-law who was obviously immune to my laughter. Sorry ladies to ruin the moment.
Featured from left to right: Shylo,me, Karlee,Cindy and Jessica


Karlee, Tyson, Erin and Rylee said...

I thought it was supposed to be "sassy". I would never look sexy. Ha Ha!

Ericksens and their half dozen said...

I am pretty sure it was "sexy". That is why I couldn't prevent myself from laughing. I too thought, "yeah. right."