Monday, May 24, 2010

Succor His people

I am getting caught up on some Ensigns and have come across some things that have really jumped out at me. Challenges in life are never easy. But we have a choice in adversity to search within the deepest reaches of our heart and find deep down truths that we know but have set aside or to feel angry and ignore those truths. I am thankful that no matter how low I have been, I have always been able to recognize my testimony and these truths (this is not an invitation for harsher trials). Harold B. Lee said, "Sometimes when we are going through the most sever tests, we will be nearer to God than we have any idea." Sometimes suffering comes by our own agency and other times by the agency of others but in every situation Christ is there to succor his people. "Christ suffered pains, afflictions, and temptations of every kind so he could be filled with mercy and know how to succor his people according to their infirmities" (Alma 7: 11-12). There is a simple element of truth and a principle to embrace here. It is the key of forgiveness. Christ is able to forgive because he has compassion. He suffered all that he may know how to succor. I think back to all the times in my life that required forgiveness on my part. Forgiveness was given because compassion was found. While all the key points of the atonement are deeper than I believe we can comprehend in this life, compassion is the basic key to enabling one to forgive. And I believe forgiveness is one of the things we must learn in this life, it is a Godlike characteristic. Furthermore, once again, the atonement is not for the sinner alone but the sufferer. Many times in my life when I needed someone to understand, I knew Christ could. It is comforting to me to know that he knows everything about me, how I feel, what I have been through and what my potential/intentions are/were. It is humbling and gratifying to know that he will be my defender. I am grateful for these truths. I am grateful I am learning the true character of God. I find joy in the testimony that has never let me down and for a patient Father and Brother who know me well. This past Sunday I was called, unexpectedly, into the Primary Presidency. This is a humbling calling for me. One I am grateful for and feel absolutely unworthy of. But I am honored that God would think enough of me to put me in the care of his little ones. Rest assured, I will do my utmost best. For I have covenanted to him with a resolution to serve him all the days of my life.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Time out.

Life is interesting. When one takes a time out from the busyness of things one can appreciate the more simple and subtle things of life. I have enjoyed our time at the heritage center once again for this purpose. The basics of life and refocusing are all encompassed in that little farm. I love the scriptures. Nephi is my favorite, well one of them. Perhaps it is because he is so personable about who he is and what he struggles with that I can know of him better. Many things have been jumping out at me as I have been studying my scriptures and the spirit has been teaching me. That is the beautiful thing about taking time out, humbling oneself and refocusing. As hard as it is to be humbled, at the same time it is a blessing when you turn it into a strength and use it for good. The Spirit has so much to offer and the Grace of Jesus who has mastered all to set the example are once again proof of a Father's divine love. I have often thought how neat it would be to take a time out and mediate on a solitary island. My little home and my wonderful family can be that sanctuary. Trevor is an amazing person of whom I have learned so much from. I love the man he is, feel the privilege of being sealed to such a great spirit. I am so grateful for the gift God gave me when he gave me Trevor. And if that wasn't enough, I now enjoy six heavenly spirits of whom I feel so incompetent to raise. Yet, I am not alone in this journey-I have been blessed with wonderful people who surround me and fill in the gaps that I am not able to do. Christ is one of those, I am thankful that by the grace of him my shortcomings can become enough to these thankful I am for timeouts.

Monday, May 17, 2010

SO many things to be thankful for...Trevor's life was spared when he experienced an engine failure in his helicopter. This confirmed 2 things for me. 1.) He is in the Lord's hands and his life is being protected. 2.)Trevor is not only competent during high stress situations at doing the necessary procedures to save his life and anyone with him. I am so thankful to know these two things. He was complimented by the FAA representative on how well he handled himself and that he did everything possible with correctness in the situation. He was released from any responsibility of error on his part and it is believed, thus far, that he had a mechanical failure. I love this man dearly, and am thankful to know these things. I am thankful to not be a widow and we have been holding each other a little more tightly lately-praying more fervently. Shock is interesting. You never know how you are going to handle yourself. I am thankful that Trevor made the call to me and not an officer.
The two of us are flying to New Orleans to personally hand out resumes. Well, okay, I am not doing his business-I will wait in the car and read a book. But for fun I get to go. Anyone who knows me knows I don't give up. The morning of the helicopter crash I told Trevor he should go down and do it while they are hiring. After all, with all the resumes being sent in, his is just another one and a personal visit just may be the solution.I will have to post pictures. I have been having fun getting rather confused and overwhelmed with all there is to do in New Orleans according to the Internet. I must clarify that the companies we are looking into will bridge the gap he has with experience so that he can do life flight one day. Right out of school all you can do is build hours teaching. Now that he is eligible for further training he is qualified for other employment. This has been a long, slow and monotonous process. The students don't come, or the weather is poor and cannot fly, he doesn't get paid. And believe me, there is only so much ground one can do in the long Cache Valley winters. The oil rigs will hire a pilot, with experience such as his to fly the bigger aircraft and transport supplies and workers on and off shore and they pay salary! So many of the companies that do this work are a couple hours from New Orleans-Lafayette area. It's a relief to not be looking at the prospects of living directly in New Orleans and I can say that in ignorance because I haven't actually been there before. But I do believe I have heard enough. I also feel comfortable with the fact that I have my children with me, doing home school. Otherwise, I wouldn't consider it.

Alexis did well on her solo with the orchestra she was selected for. She won the spotlight as solo violinist. It was a great opportunity. I will post pictures of that later. I found her a great dress and we got her all dressed up for her night. It hit Trevor and me at just how much she is growing up. She beautiful and did so well. We are proud of her and thankful for all we have been blessed with in this regard.