Thursday, October 20, 2011

Continue in Patience

So, Plan B is in action. Trevor talked to his Boss a few weeks ago (a friend that goes back to Mountain Ridge Helicopters, where they worked together in Logan, Utah)about New York and how he was going to have to turn it down. His Boss mentioned, "Why don't I see if I can recommend you for our Las Vegas location?" Trevor and I both hate Las Vegas, the drinking, the gambling, the practically naked women that people don't call porn, but business entertainment instead. Trevor knew that was something to pray about and discuss as a couple-so we did. At this point, who cares, a job is a job right? So he accepts. We have heard just as many good things about Las Vegas from the people that we know who live there. I have to remember that we are keeping the commandments and have requested to go where the Lord wants us to go. If it's meant to be it will be. So he interviews and gets the job. The best part is, it's more than double what he is making now and in a depressed market that could go really far. We feel so blessed. So Monday (24) we are headed there to check out some rentals. This job is permanent-year round, pays extremely well, close to California for vacations and to Utah for family. There are plenty of seminaries there for Alexis to attend and best of all, there is a temple. Oh how I've missed it. It is a desert-yes. But I have a plan. I always try to make the most of where I am at. A few homes I noticed have wells. With all that good weather you just need water to grow some amazing things. I care about what I feed my family and I have missed food from the garden and raw milk fresh from the dairy. It is my hope-yes hope to be able to have some chickens, a mini jersey cowHere is one pictured full grown-They rave about the docility of these animals and the more manageable and efficient size. Oh, and the milk has been sorely missed! And I hope to be able to garden-even if it's in raised beds. Nearly year round-can't beat that! Here is a picture of a preserve in Las Vegas that teach people how to grow things in the desert and offer advice and help Was this ever my idea to go But I am so thankful for the job. Again for the opportunities. I am thankful for the ability to find the good in every situation presented to me. So, it's making the most of what has been given to you. I try to find the good and harmonize The way Trevor and I want to raise our kids with where his jobs take him. If we like it, we wouldn't ever have to leave. I feel so blessed that I waited-the Lord gave us something so much better than New York. It reminds me of a talk clip from President Uchdorf that I listened to a year ago. He says that sometimes when times are rough, if we will learn to be patient the Lord will bless us. Sometimes we have to put off the things that we want for something even better. I always laugh and then think to myself when people say, "oh, you Home school, I could never do that, I don't have the patience." I think, "I don't have it either, but am learning it." Sometimes I am better at it than other times, but I do believe it is a Godly Characteristic-something that is required to learn in order to become a God-it must be one of our goals to learn and master. The Lord is teaching me this very thing-to be patient.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Our time in Williams

Here are a few pictures of our time here to document our accomplishments, experiences and memories. Somethings I didn't get pictures of are:

We accomplished a ton with homeschooling and the kids are making remarkable progress.
We enjoyed both sets of grandparents coming to visit
Alexis on Birth control is doing better (though it has it's side effects) and we are nearly to the point of trying to see if her body has adjusted and regulated.
The girls have learned to cook so much more. Bread, main dishes, deserts, salads, rice, granola, yogurt-I've been working with them to teach them.
Justin is nearly done with the Bear level of scouts-before he is even a bear.
Justin went from Kindergarten level last fall (I waited on him) to half way through
4th grade-he's just plowing and Joseph is right behind him. Smart wits.

There really is so much more I am sure I forgot to name...but we have made the most of our time here and accomplished much. Perhaps we can all look at our lives the same way. When you sit back and take note of the last six months we accomplish more than we realize.

Trevor had a challenge for the kids-they needed to come up with something creative to do during 2 weeks. If they did they would earn a trip to the dollar store. Not much but some of them took on the challenge. Alexis made this bowl from sifted rock-the red rock around here. She made a paste, mixed it with water and glue-pressed it in a bowl and formed this pottery.
Down here we have the three little pigs and their "straw house" again, done by Alexis.

My front yard-where we enjoyed the solitude and quietude.
Our little 3 bedroom rental (the 3 car garage makes it look bigger). Where we learned to live in smaller spaces and that things and a house don't matter-family does.
Joseph turned 5
Alexis turned 14.
We enjoyed many hikes and the Indian culture here.
Jessica was on a real low with OCD and is learning how to master this trial. It's an on going fight. But we have the tools to combat
MaKayla turned 12 here.
Relishing in the wildflowers
MaKayla got a grown up haircut paid for with her own earned money
Arizona's many (surprisingly) constant wild flowers. It's fun to pick a bouquet for the table.
Alexis decorated the fridge for her dad's birthday. This is a helicopter scene. She studied on the computer pictures, helicopter colors and types of helicopters and placed them accordingly.

Cute little Trevor's parents treating the kids (or spoiling rather) to a refreshment at Bearizona park. They came down too and we had so much fun with them. I will post an entire post of our events with come soon.
These are pictures Trevor took during one of his tours of the Grand Canyon

These are pictures Trevor took during his interview in New York

These are pictures of the lava tubes cave. An ancient volcano made tubes as the outside of the flow cooled off and the inside continued to flow. It left hollow tube like caves. We hiked them. Pretty neat. And Free too, can't beat that.

The kids sitting on the cow from "Rod's Steak House" on Route 66

this tree appears to have been struck by lightning. There is a spiral burn mark all the way down this tree. This is in the forest behind our house.

cute little bridge under the train tracks to get to our house.

Brett Finally gained weight.

We went on many walks this summer around the many lakes near our home. Beautiful.

(This Amazon looking frog was tempting to touch, but we didn't. Isn't he beautiful)

Once again, here is Jason with Justin's nearly prize catch. Justin caught this himself. A near record. He has become quite the fisherman while living here and has out fished many. He even used a Barnes and Noble gift card to buy a book on fishing. He reads this advanced book and studies cute.

We got a bigger car. It's known as the "mormon mover" And best of all-we don't owe anything on it. It feels so good to be debt free. And it feels good to have room and finally fit in a vehicle.

And Trevor got himself a new car...this Lamborgini JUST KIDDING! He flew a bunch of guys who came in on an entire fleet of these 200K+ cars. (waste of money if you ask me)

Last Spring when we flew down to Arizona to check out housing, on the way back we flew into Denver to stop and See my brother Ryan and his practice, cute family and beautiful home. I am so proud of him. He is humbly successful and I am thankful to have him as a brother. Way to go Ryan!

Two cute little boys if I do say so myself.

On the kid's Birthdays Trevor treated them to a date golfing. Here is Alexis on her Birthday.

And here's MaKayla