Tuesday, July 14, 2009



Today was a busy day, not unlike many others. I had a meal prepared for dinner when a whispering came to me to give a widow Trevor and I home teach some of it. My first thought was, "Oh, it's not that nice of a meal, perhaps another night." I do have to say in my defense, that it was more like a thought and I often think of the people I have been entrusted with their care. So much to the point I can easily wear myself out doing too much. So I am really trying to simplify life and offer my best self to my children. But then it whispered again "take sister Bradshaw a meal." It is not uncommon, I take a meal to her once a month, but I followed through with the prompting and set a plate up for her. Upon arriving I learned she had just had surgery and was in need of a meal....How grateful I was, that during my chaotic day and shortcomings of even being worthy/available for the spirit to prompt me, I received a tender mercy and the spirit was patiently persistent with my nauiveness. To be in tune with the spirit is all I could want in this life. I need its guidance daily with the heavy responsibilities that are mine. This inspires me to live my best for the constant companionship of the spirit's whisperings.
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Monday, July 13, 2009

Lost in Love

I first of all want to give all the credit to an old class mate of mine that took these great shots-Jayme. With her permission from her website I had to post these. Have you ever loved someone so much that everything around you seems to disappear but them when you are together? It is so fun to be lost in love. I love the mystery that surrounds love, it makes you want to be in on their secret- It would be so fun to capture shots like this with Trevor.