Monday, March 23, 2009

To Be Human Is To Feel

As I have been studying things with Alexis before she goes I am amazed at the inhumanity that goes on in the world around us, most of which we don't know of. This book, When Broken Glass Floats, is about the killing fields that took place just 30 years ago in Cambodia. It is hauntingly similar to Hitler's madness just 35 years prior. It is a real tear jerker and a humbler. No matter how hard our circumstances, someone has got it harder. We have much to be thankful for and little do we American's know just how blessed we are. Even under the most dire circumstances, We have it so good. Why do these things happen? Just how does Satan get a hold of these people to commit such horror without feeling? It's as if they have surrendered their humanity and in so doing given up any feelings of mercy that come with it. It is amazing to me that even someone under those circumstances fights to survive. Why? Do they not know of the better after life and our Savior's amazing grace? How is that even though misery consumes them they have the will to live? Perhaps our spirits deep down know of the great privledge it is to be alive and live with a body, no matter the cost. Because to be human is to feel. We have been given much and how do we reach out to help those suffering and stop such Evil?Two things come into my mind. Spread the gospel and that light will follow and educate.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I have felt the feeling of "I'm glad to be a female in America" during a few past books I've read from China. i.e. The foot-binding details were awful!