Tuesday, September 27, 2011


New York is out of the plan. As we were planning "hidden" expenses kept popping up, like the taxes, the 2000 broker fee just to get into the house, the double utilities until finally the last straw the toll fee just to get into his base in New Jersey is from 300-400 a month. Even the most conservative cannot conserve enough against the inevitable. We tried to make it work, but every time we looked at the expenses it just didn't look right. The company should be ashamed to offer a trained pilot a salary so low in such a high cost of living state. It forced us to re look at our family, goals and direction. Trevor would have loved the job itself-gaining a lot of experience. I think the that is what the spirit confirmed. But when he got the salary offer he felt sick, naturally. It's much less than we thought it would be. And I as a wife tried to make it a possibility for him. But it barely paid the bills and the spirit confirmed a sick feeling everytime he tought about the money part of the job. He ironically flew several people from New York this last week and asked them about the salary offer for a family, they all said, without reservation, "that is low and you will struggle." And like Trevor said, "I think it's financial suicide to go out there." and "I just don't see spending 10,000 to get out there and work for a job that pays so little."
So here we are, had to cancel the Uhaul reservation, cancel the utility cancels, unpack a few boxes-just living on the essentials. I don't know how much longer we will be here-half packed. Trevor is completing his last day for the season and then we will send resumes out yet again. His boss is helping him with the resources he knows. We will do everything we can.
It's a frightening thing to look at unemployment in the face-almost exactly a year later. That is part of the reason we were willing to take the New York job, even if it paid less. Just to escape unemployment. I can't say I haven't shed my tears, or had my fears. But I once again choose faith. Trevor is at a different place both in hours and experience. I don't foresee the run-around like we have had the last few years (if the job in Louisiana worked out we wouldn't have had the run around like we did). We are living the commandments, God will help us. Like Paul said, "I am fighting a good fight and keeping the faith."


Sarah said...

Ah...bless you. Bless you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Call Sam Baugh at 1 801-818-6161. He is amazing at helping people find employment.