Friday, February 18, 2011


For the last few months I have experienced and been challenged with several health ailments regarding my children.

Alexis experienced a condition of the blood that was rather scary and I had to use my mother's intuition to remedy her case. Regardless of what everyone around me was saying. She was sickly for a while and it was very stressful. It was humbling and gratifying that the very place I found answers for her was exactly where the spirit was guiding me. She is fine now and on the mend.

MaKayla for the last 18 months has experienced random and strange allergy symptoms of which she had none prior. Again, I followed my gut on this one and without traditional masking medication she was able to get customized treatment and has experienced natural and healing relief within a couple of days. She is also scheduled to get braces as soon as we settle.

Jessica has come down with an OCD behavior. She seems like a perfect child always eats healthy. Keeps herself clean. Goes to bed on time. Doesn't like tv or video games. Seems perfect right? Well, not quite. She is afraid to eat and not worry. She worries about everything else listed above. She washes her hands until they crack and bleed and will often times make herself a salad for lunch if everyone is having something of less quality. She has a melt down if she goes to bed later than she thinks she should. This need to be perfect affects her schooling and music, of which she is quite gifted. I have her scheduled to see a dear mentor friend of mine who has a gift with hypnotherapy. I am excited for the results. This child went from being so messy to immaculate within a few years. Jessica also had to get glasses. I am currently working to help strengthen her eyes so that they may heal and she wont have the need. I have combined the herbs eye bright and bilberry concentrate.

Justin, what can I say...he checked out perfect with the dentist. How can that be? He is my worst eater. But hey, I am not asking for cavities. I just don't understand why a child like Jessica who eats healthy is susceptible to cavities and seems to be riddled with them. While Justin on the other hand I have to constantly encourage, "eat your vegetables son. It's important to learn to eat well."

Brett- I am concerned for. He went to the local speech therapist of which she said his hearing is fine and that he didn't qualify for therapy. Really? His speech is not improving a whole lot and I worry about it. I may take him into a ENT specialist and get a second opinion of which the speech therapist recommended. Maybe there is something physically going on with him. He does have a scruffy sounding voice. He had two cavities at the dentist. The other concern I have for him is he is SO skinny. He eats a ton, but he is thin.

Joseph-He had three cavities at the dentist and has been quite a pill since we have been at Grandparent's. I believe he is expressing himself and his confusion for the situation.

Anybody else in line? It's never boring with a large family and you always wonder what is next with children.

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