Thursday, December 23, 2010

Keep breathing...for tomorrow the sun will rise.

I recently reviewed a scene from "Castaway". I have always loved that movie. But there was one part in particular that brought tears to my eyes. It's after he had been rescued and he is talking with his friend about his experience. About how everything he had survived for was no longer an option and his only choice now is to "keep breathing because tomorrow the sun will rise and who knows what the tide will bring."

When Trevor and I first heard about his job layoff it was as if our world suddenly stopped and the dream was gone. We had never felt so powerless coupled with nothingness. In the Book of Mormon it talks about how we are but the dust of the earth, and we owe God for everything we have and all HE has blessed us with. Instantly we were completely dependant on family. We had nothing, save each other. We didn't even have options we just had to submit. We had to have permission for what we wanted to do or to ask for anything we needed. It felt so degrading. To take two people who are so independent and hardworking and make them rely on someone for their very life-it's humbling to say the least.

But with the new year we just have to keep trying because the sun will rise and who knows what the tide will bring. God is in charge and our life is his. There just may be that anticipated job offer that we have so earnestly been working for....