Monday, December 20, 2010

Season's Splendor

Some eventful things have happened this season so far:

Trevor took me on a helicopter ride (he is staying current) and I got to see the sunset and Christmas lights and buzz over the temples from Logan to Salt Lake. It was so much fun and he is such a good pilot.

Trevor and I were given tickets to see "A White Christmas" from Steven and Cindy of which have season passes. They didn't want to go and gave us two extra tickets to take my parents. That was classic entertainment.

Jessica's former cello teacher (Ms. Anne Francis, of the Frystreet Quartet) gave Jessica and I tickets to Abravenal Hall to see the renown Pieter Wispelwey perform Saint-Saens concerto. After which, we got to meet him and he signed his autograph for her.

Trevor and I have been working out a the Bountiful Rec center...All I can say is, Ouch.

Christmas is almost here. On Wednesday Trevor's family is going to Salt Lake to see Narnia and enjoy the festivities on Temple Square. That should be an all day event.

I am almost ready for Christmas, I may need to make one more shopping trip starting at Barnes and Nobles on Thursday after lunch. Other than that, Christmas should be very simple this year. With the plethora of toys at grandma's house, all the Wii one could stand on a screen the size of a wall, a library full of books from juvenile to scholar-what could I possibly get my children? But I cannot say no to books. So they are all getting some. Besides, I am bound and determined to get on with our life sooner than later and I don't want to pack a bunch of stuff. So, simplicity it is.

1 comment:

momofsomja said...

Always the wise woman.