Monday, October 26, 2009

A glimpse from the past, blessing the present

This past fall the children and I volunteered at the American west Heritage center. For those of you that aren't aware, it is a living farm replicating the year 1917 and the other part 1875. We were able to learn and teach the school groups various farm skills by reenacting history. The kids learned and demonstrated how to milk a cow and what the importance of the barn was. How to harvest and preserve apples, corn, jam, drying and canning in preparation for winter. We had a blast! There is a sense of peace there. And I think the combination of people donating their time and talent in an educational environment, away from the busyness of the world and using what the Lord gave us is a perfect invitation to the spirit. Seriously, the spirit was strong and there was peace there. It reminded me of the temple in that people are dressed alike, no rich or poor or separation of class, working to teach basic skills of conserving what we have been given. I felt totally in my element there. Okay, not just me, the children too looked forward to our Thursday afternoons and relished their learning environment. The workers around took the time to mentor my children and teach them. And all of them grew to love the kids. And it was so fun to dress up! Justin kept on telling me, "mom you look so pretty in your farm dress." I just had to laugh. I certainly didn't feel pretty, but practical. It was indeed more comfortable than modern cloths I might add. Somehow I felt more feminine. I had time to ponder about life, how chaotic it has become. And how wonderful life can be just being simple. Like the scriptures tell us, "through small and simple things, great things are brought to past." We adored our time there and will sign up for the pioneer site next spring to witness weaving, sheep shearing, baby animals arriving and again teaching the basics from the year 1875.


Sarah said...

What a wonderful experience!
The kids look wonderful.

Nonie said...

Good for you guys! I'm sure your ids will remember that for a long time. ...So did the pioneer clothes stick? ;)

Emily said...

That is SOO cool! It reminded me of the 4 years I spent at This is the Place Heritage Park. I know exactly what you mean about the Spirit of it, and the escape from the world that is so refreshing and delightful. I am so glad you were able to have that experience -- and to share that with your children! You are the best mama ever!

Karlee, Tyson, Erin and Rylee said...

Are you going to ever put some new stuff on? Check out my new blog at, I love comments!

momofsomja said...

I am so glad you guys enjoyed the farm. It makes me wish my children were not so allergic to everything. I would be there in a heart beat! The Spirit is amazing in a place such as this, isn't it? And I love that you refer to your children as "children". A friend of my family's once told me "Goats have kids, people have children." It was certainly food for thought!