Friday, February 20, 2009

Orient-here she comes!


Our oldest has the opportunity to go anywhere in the world with grandma and grandpa. She chose the orient-specifically Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, and China. She doesn't know she is going yet, but I am thrilled for her and wish I could experience it with her. I am so grateful for the insightful grandparents she has that want to mentor her and are a part of her life. We really are blessed to have loving and caring grandparents on both sides. While I recognize this is a rare opportunity I am so thankful she can take it. Does anyone know any classic literature on culture or history she can read up on before she goes?

1 comment:

Bingham Family said...

Oh what an experience that will be!I am so jealous. Maybe one day Uncle Ryan will take me on a trip like that:) I sure hope you have fun.